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BioDerm Carbon Electrodes 1.5 Inch

Biomedical Life Systems - Authorized Distributor

Key Highlights

  • Carbon electrodes for electrotherapy
  • Flexible and comfortable to wear
  • Long-lasting and durable design
  • Provides even current distribution
  • Easy to apply and remove
  • Quick Shipping
  • 30 Day Returns
1.5 Inch x 1.5 Inch - Pack of 4 - #L00035


Manufacturer's Description

Our Latex-Free self-adhesive Carbon Electrodes are slightly pliable but much more durable than traditional electrodes and are typically used in a clinical setting.

The term "Carbon Electrodes" refers to the material underneath the sticky hydrogel for these electrodes. This new version has a white silicon “cover” over the carbon. The picture galley to the left shows the carbon on the underside to these electrodes. The clear hydrogel has been removed so you can get a good view of the carbon material. The addition of the white silicon cover does not change the performance or the effectiveness of these electrodes and is simply an aesthetic feature to match our other electrode products.

Impedance current through the skin is much lower than traditional electrodes, making the electric stimulation twice as comfortable thus generating a better result for pain and muscle management. This also allows Physical Therapist and Trainers the ability to activate almost twice as much muscle while producing twice as much torque yielding a better training session. These electrodes come with pre-gelled adhesive mounts providing repeated applications for up to two weeks. There is no need for additional gels or sprays. When the adhesive quality is gone, additional adhesive mounts (#L00036) can be ordered. Carbon electrodes life span is are typically about every 3 months when used daily.

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